, ...Many thanks to Joshua Wilkins, Jeffrey L. Blehar, Dan Gallagher, J. Conrad Matthews,.LL Lemke and Adelei Wade, Merc Rustad, Fred Coppersmith, Nathon Allen Balka, Charles P. Dunphey, Joshua Demarest, Scott T. Barnes, Sophie Yorkston, Gerry Huntman, Fred Coppersmith, author Chad Lutzke , Jennifer Cone, Roger Carden, Janet Carden Bo Kaier Olivia Evans , Djibril al-Ayad Stephanie Ann Johnansen at neo-opsis.ca , Elizabeth O. Smith/ Olivia Raymond at heliosquarterly.com Christophe Pettus at PersistentVisions and David Wilson at Deadlights Magazine , Crimson Streets The Future Fire illustrations links are on the illustrations page. Thanks also to JC Micheals at Double Feature Magazine , author DW Cook, author Tim Meyer , Ranylt Richildis at Lackington's Magazine.
...click on any of the images clustered below-and you'll get shunted all over the site.
...ethanol, tylenol - what's the difference? Heh-heh...